After purchasing this studio apartment in Paris, the owner decided to carry out the renovations herself. She elegantly created a bright, welcoming and functional apartment, suitable for furnished rental.
We are pleased to present to you the work of an interior designer with a bold use of colour: Marie Lacote. Without hesitation discover one of her creations, a small two roomed apartment, situated in the 7th district of Paris.
With a name that means “Mount Pride” in French, you might imagine that the area has a natural tendency for complacency, and a sentiment of superiority over the rest! However, the irony of the story is that it was not given this name to affirm its excessive self-esteem, but rather with a hint of sarcasm.
Place Vendôme has long been the shining star of luxury à la française. It arouses envy and inspires artists. Visitors from the world over make no mistake, this is where they come to daydream in front of the luxury jewellery stores, enchanted by the charm of this fabulously Romanesque neighbourhood.
The stories of all those who roamed its streets, who loved and fought and rebelled over the centuries still echo within its walls. If you want to hear them, go wherever the wind takes you and follow its maze of alleyways between the Palais du Luxembourg, home of the French Senate, and the River Seine.
Elegant, understated and refined, the Haussmannian building, which emerged in the second half of the 19th century, soon became the urbanistic signature of Paris. With its visionary design, it was suited to every new development. Today still, more than a century and a half after they were built, Haussmannian buildings are a sound investment. The Haussmannian apartment is the reference in Parisian living.
The little neighbourhood of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, straddling the 6th and 7th arrondissements, stretches from the bottom of Rue de Rennes to the immediate surroundings of the eponymous abbey. It is a source of inspiration for gastronomic works of art, enchanting taste buds. Follow us for a day of enlightened gastronomy.